If you are not part of a fortune 500 organization or responsible for one, you may not know that one of the functions of Human Resources is Organizational Development (OD). However, if you own or manage a business, ...
About: Jennine Leale
Recent Posts by Jennine Leale
Tick Tick Tick
I have spoken up about the importance of time tracking and good record keeping. I came accross this from a reliable resource and wanted to post it. These are not my words, but I don't think I could say it better myself ...
You Can’t Get Good Help Nowadays
You’ve heard this lament before. Perhaps even said it before. I have often times had to recruit talent for my clients and have said it as well. It’s difficult to see other companies that have the best talent and accomplish great things in your industry. You probably asked yourself, how do they do it? It is ...
Audit is not necessarily a scary word. Most of us have only heard the word audit when it was attached to the Internal Revenue Service or a law suit. In these cases, it should trigger fear in the hearts of men (and women), Even if you don't have anything to hide you never know if what ...
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